In the midst of my Understanding Tests 3 and am currently left with 3 more papers to tackle! As usual, I like to do last minute stuffs... So here I am, laying in front of my lappy and trying really hard to get all the stuffs into my head at the unearthly timing. I know, I know... I should totally be sleeping right (hehe)?! And I shouldn't even be in blogger in the first place to start with. But anyways, my paper tomorrow starts at 1630 so it's fine for me to turn in late!
However... I got to wake up at 7 later because I need to send my little brother to school. My mom just had a minor surgery and is recovering right now so she isn't able to do much chores and we, my elder siblings and I, is now responsible of taking care of the house and also my little brother as well. Hope that I am able to wake up at 7!
And I should get my head back to studying mode now... Hehe bye guys! X